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Historical Event on 7/21/1984

Terrorists breach Bhakra canal in Punjab.

Other Historical Dates and Events
1/1/1955Shantiswaroop Bhatnagar, famous Indian Chemical Expert, died.
2/3/2000Dr. Bimal Jalan, RBI Governor, unveils a seven-point agenda for banking sector reforms.
11/18/1997School bus plunges into the Yamuna killing 28 Delhi children.
10/12/1998Sushma Swaraj is sworn in Delhi Chief Minister in place of Mr. Sahib Singh Verma
9/27/2000Gurucharan Singh goes down fighting to Andri Fedtchouk of Ukraine in the 81 Kg bout of the Olympics boxing.
2/1/1948Marathi Sanshodhan Mandal' established.
1/3/1997Congress President Sitaram Kesri elected leader of Congress Parliamentary Party, and Sharad Pawar appointed leader of the Congress in the Lok Sabha.
7/26/1993Swami Chinmayananda is named 1992 Hindu of the Year for a lifetime of dynamic service to Sanatana Dharma worldwide. He attained 'mahasamadhi' on July 26 at age 77.
9/30/1996Phase I assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh.
11/3/1998The first geo-scientific data centre of the country is inaugurated at the Geological Survey of India.